John Baldwin enriches all our students with a variety of opportunities both during the school day and through our after school enrichment program. Baldwin currently offers before and after school enrichment programs including Breakfast Book Club, Spanish, Black Dragon Chess, Odyessey of the Mind, and Math Olympiad.
Identification and Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Information
San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) uses the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Form 7 to identify students eligible for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program. This test consists of three batteries which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal abilities. To be considered for SRVUSD GATE identification, a student whose National Age Composite Percentile Rank is at 98 or above is considered.
Additionally, a student whose National Age Composite Percentile Rank is 97 AND has scored a 99 in ONE of the three areas (Verbal, Quantitative or Non Verbal), will be considered for GATE identification. Our district does not recommend any materials for CogAT preparation. Students are encouraged to take the CogAT with minimal test preparation so that we get an accurate measure of the students' reasoning abilities.
CogAT Testing for Grade 2: All 2nd grade students are administered the CogAT in their classrooms. The Grade 2 CogAT is administered in the last week of February of each school year.
CogAT Testing for Grades 3-4: Students in grades 3 and 4 who have previously taken the grade 2 CogAT, or are new to SRVUSD may take the CogAT. Parents must register their child to take the test.
CogAT Testing for New Students in Grades 5-7: students in grades 5-7 who are new to SRVUSD district may take the CogAT.