Safety & Wellness
Pick Up & Drop Off
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Pick Up & Drop Off
A friendly reminder that as you enter our parking lot, please only use the right hand lane to drop off or pick up your child. The left lane is intended for staff access, handicap parking, and for our two auction winners. Merging past the cones (Near the Crosswalk) is proving to be dangerous for our pedestrians. Your continued cooperation and support is appreciated! Also, students should only be released from the curb side doors. Kindergarten and TK caregivers, please remember that students are to be walked to the door!
Drop Off/Pick Up Reminders (Remember to always use crosswalks for the safety of your child):
By Car:
- All TK and Kindergarten caregivers must park in the neighborhood and walk their child to and from the kindergarten gate.
- Drop children grades 1-5 from cars in the front parking lot only. Do not use the Kids Country Lot for drop-off or pick-up for school. Please do not use our neighbor’s driveways to turn around.
- Help your child exit the car quickly from the passenger side of the car by ensuring that their backpack is placed next to them in the car. Caregivers should NEVER exit the car while in the drop-off area. The teachers will assist the child in unloading at the loading zone (yellow curb) in the drive-thru parking lot.
- Be a good role model to our students by being considerate.
- Do not use cell phones while driving in the pick-up/drop-off areas.
- Plan your arrival for pick-up after the dismissal bell at the end of the rather than coming early and awaiting the students’ dismissal. This will help the traffic continue to flow and prevent the need for other cars to go around the awaiting cars to get through, causing very serious safety issues. It is illegal to stop on Brookside Drive because you are awaiting entrance into the school lot. Cars that block the flow of traffic may be ticketed. Please turn into the through traffic lane of the school parking lot and circle until you can safely move to the designated loading lane. Cars should never be turned off while in the flow of traffic
- Drop your child off after 8:15 in the morning to ensure that they will be supervised. The playground for grades 1-5 is supervised by our teachers from 8:15 - 8:30 a.m. If your child has to arrive before 8:15 a.m., they must be enrolled in Kids Country.
By Foot:
- Walking on the sidewalk, when available, and only use marked cross walks to cross any streets.
- Picking up students from the blacktop (grades 1-5) and from the kindergarten gate (grades TK and K).
- **Please note: Students should not be instructed to wait for caregivers by playing in the Big Toy area or on the playground as there is no supervision provided in these areas after school. The waiting zone is on the blacktop by the lunch tables. Please also remember that no supervision is provided in other locations (i.e. Iron Horse Trail).
By Bicycle/scooter: (Skates, in-line skates, or heelies are not allowed on campus at any time.)
- Wear a helmet. One rider per bike.
- Walk on Brookside Dr. between our campus and Paraiso. The sidewalks and street are too congested to ride safely.
- Walk bikes/scooters at all times on campus.
- Secure bike in bike racks.
- Walk bikes/scooters across streets at designated crosswalks.
- Follow all the same traffic rules that affect motor vehicles including heeding of all road signs. Please obtain a copy of the California Department of Motor Vehicles handbook and read the section on bicycles.
Parking In and Around Campus:
- No parking in red zones, parking lots, fire lane, or Kids Country.
- Please observe posted parking signs in the neighborhood.
- No parking on the east side of Brookside between Timberline and Brookside from 8:00 -9:00 a.m. AND 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Emergency Plan
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Emergency Plan
John Baldwin Elementary School regularly holds safety drills to prepare our campus and staff for the event of a major emergency. The safety of each person on our campus is of the utmost importance. In case of a school-wide disaster please note the following:
The school will use the automated phone calling system to call each household and provide them with as much information as possible - including specific instructions on picking up students.
Given that in an actual emergency (earthquake, flood, fire, power failure, or freeway disaster), phone lines may not be operable, please plan on using the following pick-up procedures:
- Our Student Release Area will be located at the gate between the MPR and the front grass field. Caregivers should remain off campus and access the Student Release Area via the front of the school by the MPR only. To ensure the safety of your student, NO student will be released to any individual unless that individual is on the student's Emergency Card AND is able to show identification. This includes caregivers, relatives, friends and neighbors. Students will ONLY be released through the Student Release Area.
- Please walk to the Student Release Area or park on neighboring streets to avoid congestion on Brookside Drive and in the drive-through at the front of the school. This area needs to be reserved for emergency vehicles. Do not block Brookside Drive or neighboring streets.
- Keep your student's Emergency information updated. Remember, no student will be released to any person NOT on the Emergency card.
- Inform those on your student's Emergency card that they will need to have IDENTIFICATION with them to have a student released to their care.
- Talk to your student about what YOU plan to do in the event of a major emergency.
- Know that your student's safety is our #1 priority!
- If it is necessary to relocate our students due to an emergency, the school district will provide buses and you will be notified of their location.
Our Safety plan is reviewed and revised on a regular basis. Updates will be communicated to the John Baldwin community.